Religious Education


We teach RE in our school…

To help pupils become successful learners by enabling them to:

  • develop important skills, knowledge and understanding in RE
  • reflect upon and evaluate the role of religion and belief in the world today
  • mature in their spiritual moral, social and cultural development
  • build effective links between their learning in RE and other subjects
  • know how well they are doing in RE and how to improve their learning

To help pupils become confident individuals by enabling them to:

  • develop important attitudes such as sensitivity, open-mindedness, self-esteem and appreciation / wonder
  • share their own views, ideas and experiences, in a supportive learning environment, without fear or embarrassment
  • develop the ability to produce reasoned, thoughtful arguments and well-substantiated conclusions, especially when engaging with questions of meaning and ethical issues
  • develop both dependant and inter-dependant learning in RE

To help pupils become responsible citizens and positive contributors to society by enabling them to:

  • develop both respect and sensitivity to other people’s beliefs and values
  • enrich their learning through visits and visitors
  • investigate and reflect upon their rights and responsibilities
  • develop the key attitude of open mindedness, sustaining their own views, agreeing and disagreeing respectfully and listening carefully to others.

It is within these three key areas that we promote pupils’ spiritual, moral, social and cultural development.


Our RE curriculum is implemented through the delivery of units of work prescribed in the Agreed Syllabus.  Each year group covers one unit of work each term (two shorter units of work each term in Reception).

Autumn Spring Summer
REC Unit 1: Special me Unit 2: Special times 1 Unit 3: Special places Unit 4: Special times 2 Unit 5: Special stories – God Unit 6: Special stories – Jesus
KEY STAGE 1 Year 1 Unit 1: What do Christians believe about God?


Unit 2: What do Christians believe about Jesus?


Unit 5: What do Jewish people believe about God and the Covenant?
Year 2 Unit 3: What do Christians believe about love? Unit 4: What do Christians believe about forgiveness? Unit 6: What do Jewish people believe about Torah?


KEY STAGE 2 Year 3 UNIT 1: What do Jewish people believe about God, the Covenant and Torah? Unit 2: What do Muslims believe about Islam and Iman? Unit 5: What do Christians believe about God and Incarnation?
Year 4 Humanism Unit 4: What do Christians believe about Salvation? Unit 6: What do Christians believe about Agape?

The coverage of religions at foundation and KS1 is Christianity and Judaism.


Through RE, our pupils will have developed relevant and specific knowledge and understanding.

By the end of Key Stage 1, all pupils will have knowledge and understanding of the key beliefs of Christianity (Salvation, God, Incarnation, Agape), Judaism (God and the Covenant, Torah) and Humanism (non-belief in a deity/deities).

By the end of Key Stage 2, all pupils will have a greater depth of knowledge and understanding of the key beliefs of Christianity (Salvation, God, Incarnation, Agape), Judaism (God and the Covenant, Torah), Islam (Submission to the will of Allah, Iman), Hinduism (Dharma, Deity, Atman) and Humanism (non-belief in a deity/deities, Secularism).

Through the implementation of our RE curriculum children will have developed a range of positive attitudes including self-esteem, curiosity, fairness and respect, Children will have also developed the skills intrinsic to RE and those broader skills in the primary curriculum such as Investigation, Interpretation, Reflection, Empathy, Evaluation, Analysis, Synthesis, Application, Expression and Self-understanding.

With our focus on promoting spiritual, moral, social and cultural development, our pupils will be more successful learners, more confident individuals, more responsible citizens and positive contributors to society (as outlined in our Intent).