

To provide an accessible and inclusive curriculum which encourages every one of our children to become digitally competent. For all children to experience a broad and enjoyable curriculum which promotes enthusiasm and develops computing skills and knowledge. For children to progressively develop their understanding of technology to understand and apply the fundamental principles and concepts of computer science. They will learn to analyse problems and through practical experience write their own programs to solve these problems. Cheddar First School aims through computing lessons to enable the children to evaluate and apply their skills to new and unfamiliar technologies. Our overall intent is for the children to be responsible, competent, and confident users of information and communication technology.


Pupils are taught through discrete computing lessons and across and within the other subjects in the curriculum. They use their technology skills to create content, carry out internet research and further develop their knowledge of subjects by using technology in and out of the classroom. Cheddar First School follows the New Wessex Planning provided by Somerset eLiM support services for education:

Teachers are encouraged to use the online planning, including online safety planning to enable them to teach the specific skills as well as adapt them to the subjects being taught across the curriculum in their own year group. The ICT suite PCs, laptops and iPads enable the teachers to provide the children with a wide variety of experiences and different technologies to meet the intent of the computing curriculum. Digital Leaders (pupils) from KS2 meet twice weekly to learn from and support the Computing Lead, as well as support and help Teachers and other children with minor technological difficulties on a day to day bases. They discuss school technology issues, create whole school resources, look after and maintain the hardware and give assemblies on how to be safe online.


Through the implementation of the Computing Curriculum the children will develop their ability to use technology competently and safely. Throughout the whole school they will use a variety of different types of  technology and will know and be able to confidently verbalise how to use technology to solve problems using a rich variety of appropriate vocabulary including systems, sequences, safe searching, programs, apps, algorithms, networks, communication, content, software, repetition and errors.

The impact will also be seen in the children’s skills as they progress and learn through the school and how they can apply these skills in different settings and to different subjects. They will be able to evaluate their own knowledge and skills and self-assess following lessons. The computing curriculum makes a difference to children’s development by: increasing confidence and self-esteem, developing problem solving skills, learning leadership, team working, concentration and enabling them to contribute to the school and wider community.