The FPTA organise fun social activities for parents and children to help build a community, and raise vital funds to support and enhance the educational provision within the school.

Through the FPTA’s financial support additional facilities have a direct impact on your child’s education, enabling us to offer a greater range of opportunities and high quality learning experiences. Recent funds have been used towards the front playground (along with successful grant applications made by FPTA members), balance bikes and construction equipment for reception, and Aramazu equipment to help all year groups with telling the time! The FPTA also continue to fund bookbags for reception children, leavers books, playground chalk and the Christmas party.

All parents are automatically members of the FPTA, and it is hoped that all parents will actively support the Association in whatever way possible. To make organisation easier, a small committee is elected annually at the AGM, however everyone is welcome at the meetings.

Laura Latham Chair
Laura Johnston Treasurer
Hayley Keates-Porter Secretary

We are very welcoming, and anyone willing to offer any amount time is always greatly appreciated! If you are interested in being involved in this important aspect of school life either leave your name with your child’s teacher or with the office staff and a committee member will contact you. A wide variety of events are organised throughout the year and every effort is made to appeal to all tastes and ages. Look out for details on the FPTA noticeboard by the front playground, or on the FPTA Facebook page.


Purchases from the FPTA can be made through this link: https://cheddar-first-school-fpta.sumup.link


Stikins – Name Labels for Uniform

The school will receive 15-30% commission for any sales. All you have to do is enter our school fundraising number which is 4124 when you place your order!


Amazon Smile

Anytime you buy something from amazon, if you go through amazon smile, they donate about 0.5% of your spend to the school!

You can help contribute by going to www.smile.amazon.co.uk, create an account, click on ‘Your Amazon Smile’ and select Cheddar First School FPTA as your chosen charity.


The FPTA have registered with Stamptastic. Please follow this link to purchase stamps to mark your children’s clothing, shoes, lunch boxes, water bottles and other items. You can also watch their video to learn more about the product.


The school will receive 30% of your order total if you quote our unique code: BS273HN

Easy Fundraising

Did you know that whenever you buy anything online, from your weekly shop to your annual holiday, you could be raising a free donation for Cheddar First School FPTA? There are nearly 3,000 retailers including Amazon, John Lewis, Aviva, ToysRus and Sainsbury’s who will donate a percentage of the amount you spend to Cheddar First School FPTA as a thank you for shopping with them. It’s really simple and doesn’t cost you anything. All you have to do is:

  1. Go to http://www.easyfundraising.org.uk/causes/cheddarfirstfpta
  2. Sign up for free
  3. Get shopping!

Your donations will be collected by easyfundraising and automatically sent to Cheddar First School FPTA. It couldn’t be easier! There are no catches or hidden charges and Cheddar First School FPTA will be really grateful for your donations.

We already have over 50 members, who have raised over £750, so this can make a real difference!

Matched Funding

One of the ways we can raise additional funding is ‘Matched Funding’. This is where a company employee volunteers to help out at one of our fundraising events. Whatever they raise during the event (up to a certain amount) is then ‘Matched Funded’ by their employer. The amount and number of times the employer is willing to ‘Match Fund’ varies from company to company. This is an easy way of increasing the amount of money we raise without doing anything extra.

In the past, parents’ employers have match-funded the takings from various events including the Christmas play raffle ticket sales, the bar and the BBQ at the May Fair, which significantly increases the amount of revenue we generate from the event. If you think you may be able to help with Matched Funding, then please contact a member of the committee for further details. Banks and other large national and multinational companies often match fund. It is always worth asking! It costs the company nothing as they are able to write it off against tax, but for the school and the FPTA it would make a HUGE difference.

Thank you for your support and thank you to the parents who have already signed up and last year raised £2650!